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Feb 28, 2010

Nobilis Erotica theme music is "Third Passenger" by Beeblebrox, courtesy of Music Alley.


This is part 2 of "Ex Fumo Gaudiam". 

Feb 21, 2010

Nobilis Erotica theme music is "Third Passenger" by Beeblebrox, courtesy of Music Alley.


This story is another of my "Periodic Table of the Awesoments" series.


It's read by

Feb 14, 2010

This is the first part of my "Steampunk Rome" novella, "Ex Fumo Gaudiam"

The big news, though, is that I just posted an auction on eBay.  Basically, I'm auctioning off the right to tell me what Nobilis Erotica episode you'd like to see a sequel to, and what happens in it.  Details are in the auction listing.

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