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Apr 4, 2010

This is part 5 of Ex Fumo Gaudiam, a novella of Steampunk Rome, written and read by Nobilis Reed.

You can find part 1 here.

Mar 28, 2010

This is part 4 of Ex Fumo Gaudiam, a novella of Steampunk Rome, written and read by Nobilis Reed.

Mar 14, 2010

This is part 3 of Ex Fumo Gaudiam, a novella of Steampunk Rome, written and read by Nobilis Reed.

During the outtro I mention the Trans(re)lating podcast, which you can find here.

Feb 28, 2010

Nobilis Erotica theme music is "Third Passenger" by Beeblebrox, courtesy of Music Alley.


This is part 2 of "Ex Fumo Gaudiam". 

Feb 14, 2010

This is the first part of my "Steampunk Rome" novella, "Ex Fumo Gaudiam"

The big news, though, is that I just posted an auction on eBay.  Basically, I'm auctioning off the right to tell me what Nobilis Erotica episode you'd like to see a sequel to, and what happens in it.  Details are in the auction listing.

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