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Dec 27, 2009

This week's story is "Calendar Girl" by Angela Caperton, originally published in Peep Show: Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists

Dec 20, 2009

This week's story is "Dead Letter" by M. Christian, from the anthology "Licks and Promises " from Phaze Press.

The reader is Paulette Jaxton, associate producer for Metamor City and Murder at...

Dec 13, 2009

This week's story is "Three Wives," a bit of social science fiction about polyamory that is designed more to provoke thought than lust.

I'm going to make a new intro.  What do you think?

Direct Download

Dec 6, 2009

Please listen all the way through this week.  After the story I have several items of news, including:

  1. I finished NaNoWriMo
  2. Capitol Area Sexuality Writers Group
  3. The Nobilis Erotica iPhone app
  4. Ann Regentin's "Train Wreck" novel
  5. Nobilis Erotica is now accepting submissions

Dec 6, 2009

This is a special wrap-up chat with the three November guest hosts, Michelle Bekemeyer, Mildred Cady, and Sam Bradley.