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Episode 304 - Game Fae by Vivien Jackson

Apr 25, 2014

"Game Fae" is by Vivien Jackson is no longer available in audio form on this podcast.  It is now part of the "Like a Whisper in Your Ear" audio...

Apr 18, 2014

This week's Quiver and Arch Moment is "The Virtue of Patience," written by Remittance Girl, and read by Robin Sounder.

Apr 14, 2014

If you have the Nobilis Erotica podcast app, you can find the third episode of "Monster Whisperer" in the bonus content for this episode.

Apr 11, 2014

Quiver and Arch presents the second chapter in The Apsinthion Protocol, adapted from The Tales of Gnosis College by Iago Faustus.  


Directed by Nobilis Reed


Nanetta..................Ara Pelodi

Moira......................Ellen Pike

Professor Corwin.....Josh Roseman

Li Anwei.................Kris Bays

Apr 4, 2014

Here's the second half of "Dogsbody," set in the Metamor City universe created by Chris Lester. It's read by Mildred Cady.